
Primeng tabview highcharts reflow
Primeng tabview highcharts reflow

primeng tabview highcharts reflow

If too many tabs in TabView it breaks the line and the selector-line becomes invisible, because of negative margin.

Primeng tabview highcharts reflow update#

The integration with Editor that it provides (rowReorder.editor) makes use of Editors multi-row editing abilities to update all rows to take account of the row ordered data. RowReorder provides the ability for end users to quickly and easily reorder items in the table by click and drag. The description below is the same as the old ticket. This example shows the RowReorder extension for DataTables being used with Editor. Again clone tab-header nodes (those are "li"-tags in the DOM) with the debug tool with any browser and make the browser window smaller. Same issue as #9426 because it IS replicateable. support request => Please do not submit support request here, instead see feature request => Please check if request is not on the roadmap already Node (for AoT issues): node -version = 8.9.Bug report => Search github for a similar issue or PR before submitting Accessibility needs to be considered before building any component, so addressing these issues accounts for people with disabilities to have equal access to the components. People with motor impairments and users with vision impairments will currently have barriers to properly interact with the component. however if i then manually resize the browser window then reflow is triggered. my charts are within a div whose dimensions can change, but the browser window itself stays the same. Inclusion and equal access needs to be provided for all components. it appears that reflow is only triggered when the window dimensions change at least that's what's happening in my test case. What is the motivation / use case for changing the behavior?

primeng tabview highcharts reflow

  • Navigate through the tablist using keyboard interactions (Tab, Shift + Tab) and make sure only interactive elements receive keyboard focus.
  • With respect to keyboard, TAB for the first time moves focus to the selected tab and the second time TAB is activated, focus moves to the tabpanel (provide tabindex="0") for the active tab.
  • Verify whether the state (selected/unselected) of the tabs is properly communicated to screen readers.
  • primeng tabview highcharts reflow

  • Turn on JAWS/VoiceOver depending on whether using Windows/Mac.
  • Enter activates the tab and Home/End keystroke moves focus to the first and last tab respectively. Activating the tab keystroke again needs to move focus into the tabpanel content. Tab key must first move focus into the first tab in the tablist. Make sure that arrow keys (Left, Right arrow) is used to move between the tabs.
  • For any of the examples, verify whether the keyboard interactions are proper.
  • primeng tabview highcharts reflow

    Go to the documentation for PrimeNG TabView in the official website.Minimal reproduction of the problem with instructions and place it on the which has the role set to tab.The tabindex="0" should be set on the container which has the role="tab".This way when screen reader navigates to the page, valid information is communicated to screen readers. After that using JavaScript, the value of the aria-selected needs to be toggled to either false on true based on the interaction. If the initial width is not specifically set the dialog defaults to 300px regardless of the content width and never changes size. Initially, for all the tabs other than the one selected, the aria-selected value needs to be present in the DOM and value needs to be set to false. PrimeFaces - Responsive DataTable Example: Using date range dialog component with second date always to be more than first date.Please follow the "Keyboard Support" in this link: or " (Internal%20Content)/demo.htm" The keyboard paradigm for the tab structure can be found in the following link.Focus must be set on the link inside of the list item. The role="tab" is set on the links, so when focus moves the tab related ARIA role is not exposed to Screen readers. ) which will not communicate the necessary information.Tabindex attribute is set on the wrong element (.Dynamically adding the aria-selected attribute using JavaScript causes unexpected rendering of information to screen readers. Only when the links are activated, the aria-selected is set dynamically. When the page is rendered, for all the tabs other than the one that is selected, the aria-selected attribute is not present. The default value for aria-selected as per specifications is undefined.First time activating the tab key moves focus into the tablist and then into the tabpanel that is active. Tab keys must not be used to move around the tabs. Arrow keys (Left, Right) arrow must move through the tabs. The arrow keys needs to move between the link in the tablist and tab key takes the user to the tabpanel that is currently active. The keyboard paradigm for the tab structure is not proper.Bug report => Search github for a similar issue or PR before submitting

    Primeng tabview highcharts reflow