Regardless of what type of career you want to pursue, investing in your education can help you get there.

Search stocks and get real time stock quotes. Get live streaming statistics from wall street. Excellent interactive charts for any stock, mutual fund or currency for right now or any date in the past (historical data) with annotations for dates of big news events. Sector, industry and community development opportunities. Google Finance offers financial data and news for most publicly-traded companies. Forensic accountants are the detectives of the financial world, with responsibility for “following the money” in cases of corporate fraud, corruption, organized crime, and increasingly complex financial crimes. Personal tax, business tax, government finances, rebates and refunds, and more. For example, environmental accountants provide guidance at the intersection of the environment and business, with responsibilities such as determining compliance costs for regulations and identifying cost-saving environmental initiatives. Just as the world of finance is evolving, so are fast-growing careers in this field. Higher up the ladder, most large corporations have a chief financial officer (CFO) in the C-suite.

While money may be the ultimate fungible commodity, careers in finance aren’t as interchangeable as some people think! Traditional jobs in finance include accountants and certified public accountants (CPAs), controllers, actuaries, bankers, and financial planners, and these services are always in demand.